Dear all,
We’ve started our training for the WSKF World Cup 2018 with a very good kumite session last Saturday, 21st July 2018, taught by Don Sensei and George Sensei.
The following students attended the course:
- Renseikan Dojo: Andy Hunt and Ionut Grecu
- Axios Shotokan Karate Centre – George Scott, Ollie Knight and Dom Marshall
- Seishin Juku Karate Club – Richard Baldwin
The next kumite training session will be on Saturday, 4th of August from 12:00-14:00 pm by George Sensei at FCVH.
All these training sessions are sponsored by WSKF England, so there is no charge for the members.
Will continue troughout August and September, except 8th of September, for both kata and kumite.
Please encourage your students to attend as much as possible as it is an unique opportunity to improve their technique.
We will confirm asap if there will be a colour belt competition as well.
WSKF England
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