Open Karate Seminar – Mark Sheridan 6th Dan – Cancelled

Unfortunately, we had to cancel the seminar with Sensei Mark Sheridan from 6th-7th of November 2021, because of the concern about the rising Covid cases in UK. Looking forward for a new opportunity in the near future. Thank you everyone for expressing interest in participating in the seminar.

We’re very exited to announce our next Seminar with Sensei Mark Sheridan 6th Dan, WSKF Ireland Chief Instructor on 6-7 November 2021.

Mark Sheridan
6th Dan WSKF Ireland

Sensei Mark has been training for 40 years and while a strong disciple of traditional karate, as taught by Sensei Hitoshi Kasuya, has found great success both as a competitor and coach in  karate competition. While continuing his own training he has been an instructor for 16 years.
He opened his own club, Senshi Karate, in Dublin in 2008, which is the WSKF Ireland Hombu dojo.

During his long competitive career he has won many titles both domestic and international, from under age to veteran. He is the current W.S.K.F. World Champion in both Kata and Kumite.
From age 17 until he retired at 38 years he enjoyed great success as a member of the National Team of Ireland.

Sensei Mark is The Chief Instructor of W.S.K.F. Ireland, a member of the Shihankai (the technical committee of W.S.K.F.), the National Senior Male Kumite coach and also a member of the National Executive of the Governing Body for Karate in Ireland.

Saturday 6 November 2021, 13:00-16:00
Sunday, 7 November 2021, 10:00-13:00

Farnham common Village Hall
Victoria Road, Farnham Common, Berkshire, SL2 3NL

Slough Central South (Windsor Road) hotel
Driving to the dojo is about 15 mins or 22 by bus.

More Information
07951 024397,
07507 429483,

Event fee
£50 for 2 days or £30 for 1 day
Under 16: £30 for 2 days or  £15 for 1 day
Non WSKF members: +£5


Bank Transfer
WSKF England
Account Number: 53969405
Sort Code: 010815
Reference: MSHERIDAN21

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